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Friday, August 4, 2006 | Weekend Astrology

This article is a short preview from Planet Waves Weekly, subscriber edition. If you like this writing, you can read Planet Waves Weekly every week for less than the cost of the foam on your latte. Lead article is called The Swiftly Tilting Planet, plus birthday report and horoscope. Planet Waves Weekly sponsors all Planet Waves projects, including the vast open-access webspace and Astrology Secrets Revealed. Take action! Speak out for sanity! Kick in toward Planet Waves' DSL service and pizza... Experience the ethos...

MARS IS IN VIRGO. Over the next seven days it forms conjunctions to the natal Pluto of everyone born between late 1960 and early 1964. It also forms conjunctions to the natal Uranus of everyone born between late 1963 and mid 1965. After the Full Moon next week, Mars will touch the natal charts of people born deeper into the mid-1960s. In all, the charts of everyone born between 1957 and 1972 are affected by this transit, which will set off both Uranus, Pluto and in many instances, both simultaneously -- particularly for people born between 1964 and 1967.

Conjunctions and oppositions of Uranus and Pluto, which each occur less than once per century, consistently arrive with a surge forward in political reform, the arts, technology and all aspects of thought. Occurring most recently in the mid-1960s, this is the astrology of revolutions, intellectual, social and political. To the extent that we still experience some creative, sexual and psychological freedom today, we have events surrounding the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto to credit for this fact. And while we are currently under a phase of astrology that is provoking a mass-scale reactionary conservatism and religious fervor (which consistently fuels an atmosphere of restriction rather than a sense of freedom and expression), many millions of people born in the years mentioned above are carrying the spirit and seeds of freedom in their souls.

Mars in Virgo is now provoking this to action for healing, service and social justice. That the outer atmosphere may be holding us down need be no more a factor than the repressive atmosphere of the 1940s and 1950s suddenly giving way to a spirit of expression, experimentation and reform. Then, as now, the problem is fear. We have been so conditioned to believe that if we express ourselves we're going to die; that if we dare to be ourselves, we will be squashed; that the moment we find our voice, it will be taken away; that many dare not to speak or budge. But Mars is now shaking the Pluto-Uranus conjunction to life.

This, by the way, occurring while transiting Pluto squares the natal Pluto position of many late 1960s charts, and Uranus opposes the natal Uranus of many mid-1960s charts, including natal charts and events. So, we have a real Pisces-Virgo power surge available if we want it, and dare to be clear with ourselves.

At the same time as this is happening, Jupiter continues its transits over the natal Neptune of all mid-1960s charts. This immediate re-emphasis of 1960s natal astrology will blend well with the radicalizing, polarizing events surrounding the approaching Full Moon and Saturn-Neptune opposition.

Through the weekend, the Moon is in Sagittarius (beginning Friday morning) and then in Capricorn (beginning early Sunday). Luna in Sagittarius is one of the most easygoing and optimistic of the lot. It is trine and sextile the Sun-Saturn/Neptune-Ceres configuration mentioned in the article above. So in some ways it serves as a release point for those energies, a chance to attune yourself to a more optimistic frame of mind than the moment may seem to be calling for. This shows up as a tangible choice of some kind after the Moon arrives in Sagittarius, as for the next 24 hours it's applying in a square to Mars. Square says inner choice and the ability to integrate seemingly conflicting dimensions of reality. Resolving the difference might feel like some version of the statement, "I've got something to do, so I'm going to enjoy it."

But Moon conjunct the Great Attractor (overnight Friday to Saturday) and the Galactic Core (overnight Saturday to Sunday) comes with its own form of drama, potentially a strange, overwhelming urge to tune into the higher spiritual energies that are available but which only human involvement can ground on the physical plane. The Internet, strongly associated with Sagittarius because of its international nature, should be a pretty interesting place to hang out, but we need to be mindful of the urgent project of weaving meatspace into cyberspace.

Venus and Mercury remain in late Cancer. Mercury is ahead of Venus by several degrees. The two are in a conjunction that will gradually separate, as Mercury increases its speed and Venus is holding steady at its maximum speed of 1.25 degrees per day. Both move from Cancer to Leo shortly after the Full Moon on Wednesday. Until then, there is still a loose grand trine in the water signs, as the energy of the Full Moon accumulates momentum rapidly as Luna reaches Perigee and opposition to the Sun.

Meanwhile, another significant opposition is brewing, one which is involved with 60s charts: Mars opposite Uranus, from Virgo to Pisces. This is exact August 13, and like so many other aspects in the vicinity, is the astrology of a flashpoint, a spark of awareness, and the dawning of the obvious.