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Enron's Prize | from this week's Planet Waves Weekly


DOES CRIME PAY? Thursday at 11 a.m., the jury in the trial of Kenneth Lay, founder and former CEO of Enron and close compadre of George W. Bush, convicted him of six counts of fraud and conspiracy and four counts of bank fraud. Jeff Skilling, former president of Enron, was convicted of 18 counts of fraud and conspiracy, and one count of insider trading. The two men face sentences that could keep them in jail the rest of their lives. In a synchronicity reeking of irony and almost so glaring it begs to be overlooked, Lay will be sentenced on the 5th anniversary of the the Sept. 11 attacks.

Both men are expected to appeal their verdicts. But due to one factor in the chart -- Saturn in Leo, exactly in the ascendant -- I don't suggest they hold their breaths. If Saturn in Leo does one thing, it's stick around for a while. (For the history of this, I suggest looking for my series on Saturn in Leo from last summer -- see Astrology Secrets Revealed archive.)

Enron's bosses (including many other people besides Lay and Skilling) not only stole hundreds of millions of dollars from their employees' retirement funds; they also rigged a scheme to systematically gouge the ratepayers of California (remember the famous quote about screwing over Grandma Millie), pushing energy rates through the roof for no good reason, creating shortages and faux blackouts to stir up chaos and push the rates even higher, buying and selling their own energy to drive the price up still more, betraying the public trust and profiting wildly all along.

Continued in Planet Waves Weekly, the subscriber edition...