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Thursday, May 17 | Horoscope Archive Beta Test

WE'VE had a little project going behind the scenes -- a horoscope archive. It also doubles as a divination oracle. Without posting instructions, I would appreciate your feedback on whether it works for you, and whether you understand it easily.

If you are writing back and saying that you did not get a result, it's important that we know what combination of search inputs you used, because we are still de-bugging it. If there is something you don't understand, please tell us what that is.

If you get an error, please send the error. This is a beta we are basically looking for places that it doesn't work, and seeing how well our planning for readers did work. You would (or might, unless you work in programming) be amazed how long this took (18 months), and how many people worked on it (about eight). But -- without your feedback I'll be clueless as to whether it works for you. So thanks!

Here is the link:

Please send your feedback to me at -- thanks!

I may delay a real blog this morning. I've done the chart of Hillary Clinton for Astrology Secrets later today, and Ursula Fugger and I have done the charts of Karl Rove for Planet Waves Weekly, which will be available to subscribers tomorrow. Ursula, a top-notch mundane astrologer, has done a rectification of Rove's chart that I like a lot. And the guy does have some astrology.
