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April 14 | Teach Your Parents

From tomorrow's Planet Waves Weekly...which covers the astrology of the Iran nuclear situation, including the Nuclear Axis chart I've written about for

READER WARNING -- there are people who believe that nuking Iran is a good idea. You may be one of them; I don't know. If so, please don't take offense. This article is not directed personally at you. I'm just trying to save the world.
But before I type another syllable, however, I want to say I just cannot even believe I even have to spend my evening writing about this. Or my days thinking about it for that matter. But, alas, I cannot seem to check my email or log onto any of the news sites without reading about it yet again. I guess it's better that we know, and you have to admit, it's all pretty suspenseful. We are currently living through times when very nearly every bad thing it never occurred to us to worry about seems to come true.
Furthermore, I just finished an instant message session with an unidentified elder male relative, who grew up during the Cold War, that went a little like this (after I pointed out that Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were involved in setting up a plutonium program in Iran in the 1970s):
Unidentified Elder Male Relative: So do you want me to believe that just because the names stay the same, the positions and alliances do too?
ME: It's very lowbrow politics. These guys are arms traders.
UEMR: Maybe, but the one problem with the critics is that they never have any solutions.
ME: But this isn't really a problem. It's a manufactured crisis. And this is THE classic way to manipulate people, you quickly make an 'us' and a 'them' and it's a done deal.
UEMR: Tell me some solutions.
ME: To what?
UEMR: Reducing the threat of terror in the US and around the world, or should we all become Muslim extremists?
ME: Iran is a country that can't even get nuclear power online, and I can tell you that a solution is NOT bombing the Islamic world. This is how you make the problem worse.
UEMR: It didn't in Japan.

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