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April 13 | Full Moon

WHEN the Moon visits the sign opposite the Sun, the Full Moon is never far away. And that's where we are now -- with the lunation happening at 5:40 pm Thursday London time, Thursday afternoon in the eastern United States and in the morning in the western states. The Full Moon is overnight Thursday to Friday in Oz.
Though the Moon is basically a big rock and the Sun is a star many millions of times its size, the two have proportionally similar degrees of expression in the personality, from our viewpoint on Earth.

It's an odd phenomenon, when you think about it, symbolized by the visual illusion of both bodies being about the same diameter from where we watch. The Moon serves as a counterbalance to many other celestial influences; it sets a steady rhythm and helps stabilize our lives; and astrologically, it works like a projection screen on which we shine the movie of the personality and its story.

That screen is a veil, concealing another level of reality, indeed, many levels. The Full Moon is one of those times when the veil is thin, and when we can see and even reach beyond it for a new level of understanding, or enter a new dimension of experience.

While this is not an eclipse itself, the Sun and Moon are currently occupying the signs of the lunar nodes, so there is the impression or image of a lunar eclipse without there really being one. The implied message is accelerated change, but more to the point, resolving something that has been building for a long time.

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