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Feb. 16 | Yet More Strained Credibility by Jude from Political Waves

IT STRAINS credibility to discover this amount of missing money in the FEMA assistance program. New Orleans continues as a gaping hole of need, and survivors are still farmed out around the country, likely to remain so in the foreseeable future. THEY can't get help ... but "tens of thousands of fraudulent" applicants DID?  I know, I know -- stuff happens, Rummy sez so.  But "hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars?"

I watched 60 Minutes the other night, viewed amazing footage of open flatbed trucks carrying huge blocks of clear-wrapped currency into Iraq. I can see how, on foreign shores and in the midst of chaos, language barriers, guns and blood, some of that might go missing [but not the amount they've reported -- not by a long shot.] And we'll not even discuss that doing something like that even in PEACE time is ... well ... incredibly stupid, let alone unprofessional.

I guess that's the point, isn't it.  Can this government do ANYTHING RIGHT?? Can they govern AT ALL??  Are they ALL blithering idiots? David Gergen, former adviser to four presidents and pundit, says that the Bushies know how to run, but they don't know what to do after that. AMEN!

It's easy to be an armchair critic, here, looking in at what must have been an overwhelming task [either of them ... pick one]. But the bottom line remains that there has never -- NEVER -- been an administration that LOST so much money in misadventure and so quickly. BILLIONS! They treat it like it isn't theirs ... which, of course, it isn't ... it's ours. And borrowed, at that. Meanwhile, Iraq and New Orleans are still needy money pits and places of sorrow and shame.

The report, the trailers, the morgue -- a collection. The last piece gives you hints as big as elephants, as do they all if you look carefully, about waste.  It really is stunning, the ineptitude and mindless bureaucracy.

-- Jude

Katrina fund lost millions to cheats
Peter Whoriskey in Washington
February 15, 2006

TENS of thousands of people are thought to have fraudulently received aid in the wake of Hurricane Katrina because the relief effort did not include routine checks that might have spotted such activity, investigators say.

The extent of the fraud in the $US6 billion ($8 billion) relief effort had not been calculated but could reach hundreds of millions of dollars, investigators told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee.