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90 minutes to midnight, CET

WELL, another day and another year at Planet Waves. I have done my best to "apply the seat of the pants to the chair" today and proceed on the Parallel Worlds horoscopes, and have succeed somewhat; even managing to get out to the market (my outdoor studio), take the new cover photo, and do some food shopping. I managed to finish substantial drafts of two fixed signs today, Scorpio and Aquarius. Taurus, I am still seriously stumped on. Leo is materializing. I have the idea for Pisces and Virgo is well under way. So is Aries. Libra is well sketched out.

Hey, not bad. I will probably not hang the whole project up too badly; I have my projected publication date clearly in mind (and I am not talking).

An old friend from Rosendale, named Natesh, aka Mike, but renamed by Ammachi (a spiritual teacher we have in common), has arrived on the project with tidings of Vedic astrology, so we will have that viewpoint as well. Natesh is twice a former housemate of mine, good friend of my cats, and was the board engineer and co-host of my radio program on Radio Woodstock in the late 90s. Definitely feels like a little bit of Old Home Week, except that Natesh is young and fresh at astrology and I am appreciating his enthusiasm. He is also a VERY good card reader and something of a transcendent mystic at the Crowley Tarot. Good times.

I have my fingers crossed that Carol McCloud Burkhart will be able to come through with a Mayan astrology report -- if not when we first post, I am sure she will have it soon after.

Deirdre Tanton in Hamburg, who did the cover art, has taken over designing the webspace, and Anatoly is is doing the code, so that's going well.

Tracy Delaney has provided a downloadable, 65 (or so) page custom made minor planet ephemeris and aspectarian that she programmed herself. This includes all the new planets you hear being bounced around; and it's part of our chart resource, which now includes a revised edition of my astrological houses article, as well as the "Presidential" Inauguration charts.

This is a hot project. Everyone else doing such a good job has been giving me incentive to do a good job on my part. Here are two little samples from the extended sign writeups.

From Aquarius Parallel Worlds

"The arrival of Chiron in Aquarius in many ways marks a new era in the story of our world, and just as surely a new volume in your life. Because your sign is so closely related to themes that reach throughout the Homo sapien family -- a Latin term that translates literally to "wise man" or "thinking man" -- you are being summoned to make contact with people in a new way: one that demands clarity, focusing a sense of mission, and accepting your role in society, however you may define it. This is the longhand way of saying authentic individuality."

From Scorpio Parallel Worlds

"First, let's consider the idea of a calling. This often-elusive idea is a vitally important concept for people who live in societies that bear the label "free"; indeed, if you ask me, the ability to respond to your inner drive for success or creative expression is a major factor making the distinction between an individual actually being free or not. This gets tricky for many people: implicit in the gesture of hearing a calling is the need to embrace the freedom to respond. This is exactly where most people get snagged. It is often an issue of confidence; or of fear; or of unconsciously carrying the beliefs (and therefore the limitations) of our parents."