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Thursday, Oct. 13, 2005

I was pleasantly answering emails listening to a super-mellow Grateful Dead song I woke up thinking about, called "Row Jimmy"...with its enigmatic lyrics, its slow, pulsating bass line and a dreamy, sweetly screaming Garcia steel guitar lead...

...when an unmistakable Pink Floyd song called "One Of These Days" started playing in the background. I recognized this song from doing a lot of tripping to Pink Floyd as a kid. I think it's from the album Meddle. Weird. Where could this be coming from? Was there a ghost in the machine? I stopped iTunes and the song continued. I looked for an open account in OSX running in the background...none. I went and found the song in my iTunes library and it was not playing.

Then I remembered that a few minutes earlier I had clicked on this link, sent in by a reader:

...which took some time to load, about half the length of a long Grateful Dead tune, and then just started. This is another one of those links to play at home (loudly), or at the office with your MP3 player's headphones -- depending on where you work, of course; you may want to invite the entire staff, or your students, or whoever. They make a very good point, powerfully. All those faces, all those lives.

Of course, you don't need 500 people to make the point, one makes it well enough, but there questions remains why we're so thick and recalcitrant to act.

We don't have time for a Vietnam-like scenario where it takes the public 15 years to figure out what's going on, then we decide it's finally time to speak up. Besides, we already know. And YOU are the public. So, cousin, I suggest you determine what you have to lose by making a commitment and take a moment to decide if it's really worth keeping.

I'll see you later tonight on with a look at the eclipse chart from Monday.

