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Monday, Sept. 5, 2005

A rocker...sent in by Yasmin Boland

And a little closer to the center...

The Moon is making its way across Libra now. For the next 36 hours, counting from Monday evening, the Libra planets in the New Orleans charts, the Hurricane Katrina landfall chart, and the chart of W. Bush will take conjunctions from the Moon, as will the transiting Soutn Node, Venus, Jupiter, Pallas Athene and the point of next month's solar eclipse.

The Moon can act like an energy condenser, and also like a giant weight that pulls our attention to the particular corner of the heavens where it happens to be. In an intuitive, emotional way that connects many, the Moon is calling out attention to what has happened -- because most of the connections are in Libra. A friend of mine in Paris who grew up in New Orleans, and whose mother was evacuated to Texas, said that tonight it was first sinking in tonight what had happened.

If we watch carefully into the early hours of Wednesday, we can get a vibe on what is likely to unfold over the next five or six weeks, make some observations and make adjustments. It's like living out this timeframe in a holographic miniature, which is less about predicting than it is about choosing, seeking confirmation and making corrections.

Though my contact with the United States is confined to the Internet and a few people I talk to regularly, I sense an awakening. I sense the "what would it take" point having been reached. What's happening is not funny, it's too big to deny, and it's happening to people we can all identify with. I guess what I'm saying is that quite a few people realize this is not more television, and television itself seems to be realizing that it's not just television.

Libra calls us to embrace a combination of sensitivity, justice and action. Many will be called; let's see who responds.
