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Planet Waves Astrology | Blog Archive Feb. 8, 2005 to March 15, 2005 | by Eric Francis

Planet Waves by Eric Francis | The Last Days of Pisces, March 14, 2005

Dear Friend and Reader:

We are now in the last days of Pisces -- which are the very end of the one-year journey of the "tropical zodiac." This is a time of completion, closure, and resolving of any outstanding matters, perhaps of a worldly nature, and perhaps of karmic.

The cycle begins again when the Sun goes into the sign Aries in about six days, called the Vernal Equinox -- the commencement of the astrological year. But before that happens, the Sun in late Pisces squares (or forms an exact 90-degree angle) to Pluto, in late Sagittarius. This is a real turning point. And it happens with many other factors strong and supportive, so that decisions we make now are likely to be carried to fulfillment in a meaningful way. Sun-Pluto in such a tense aspect has a feeling of finality to it, or of what Patric used to call 'enforced changes'.

Those changes are happening within each person, and are generally the result of what you might call the development of strength of character and discovering the necessity and urgency to choose what we need to choose. This is, for sure, a point of no return. It's a moment of challenge. And it's a meaningful, serious opportunity to move yourself a little further from what you don't want and a lot closer to what you want and need. Let the planets do their work while you do yours.

As with any truly intense aspect, there are going to be people who experience the turning point mainly as destabilization. The first question is whether they can recognize that they are changing. The second is whether they can put the words around the experience and give it a name. Another -- true for everyone -- is whether they can set an agenda and use the energy in the most remotely productive way. It's possible, it's necessary, and that is the whole point, if you ask me.

The Sun-Pluto square is exact early March 15 in CET, and late March 14 in GMT, EST and PST. It happens at around noon on the 15th in Oz.

For the moment, about the next six hours, beware of Moon square Neptune, which is likely to feel like meaningful chaos and the inability to get a grip on much of anything.

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