Covers 2005
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This collection of photos from 2005 covers of Planet Waves is dedicated to my dad, who bought my first couple of cameras; and to every photographer who has gone out on assignment with me, photographed my stories, or took me into their studios and darkrooms -- and basically said it can be done: Dave Aiello, Johann Bisesti, Kit Brown, Doreen Fertel, Dave Heckman, Maria Henzler, Cristos Katsios, Ilse Landau, Imke Lass, Charlie Lemay, Virginia Lepley, Douglas Levere, Neal McDonough, Michele Muir, Aart Nugteren, Dion Ougst, Frieda K. Owl, Henry Rappaport, Pamela Roque, Sydnie Michele & Stephen Salmieri, Sarite Sanders, Ruth J.M. Schein, Scott R. Stevenson, Lauren Thomas, Paloma Todd, Paul Verdolino, Danielle Voirin, L.E. Webb and others. And while I'm thinking of it, to all the photographers I've met working at news events for many years who looked like they were the only people who had a clue what was going on.
-- Eric Francis.
PS, I get a fair number of inquiries about the cameras I use. Many of the early pictures, such as all those in Holland and many in New York City, were taken on a Fuji Finepix 5500, considered a consumer camera (4 megapixels). But I think it does a really good job, and it's main virtue is how well it handles back lighting. It has up to 10X optical zoom. More lately, I'm using a Canon Digital Rebel body (8 megapixels SLR camera, the kind that you look through, rather than framing the image on the screen), and for the most part, a 28-135mm IS (image stabilized) lens; in quite a few shots, an 18-55mm normal lens; and, rarely, a 70-300mm zoom. Now that it's winter, I sometimes use a 430EX strobe, which can produce surprisingly natural-looking lighting effects.
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Toutes les photographies de ce site sont protégées par la Loi n° 92-597 du 01/07/1992 du Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle, elles ne peuvent être utilisées sans autorisation de leur auteur.
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Above: Photo by Yeonhee Moon, November 2005.
Except for work that is not my own (credited as such, with copyrights held by the photographer), all photographs in this gallery are copyright ©2005 by Eric Francis, all rights reserved. All of studio or set models were 18 years of age or older at the time the photograph was taken. For information about obtaining prints, editorial reprint rights, assignments or other inquiries, please contact Eric at bookofblue@gmail.com or see BookofBlue.com.
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