
Planet Waves for March 2005


Planet Waves by Eric Francis
For March 2005

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You are not really free until you begin to express yourself. Others have other opinions (such as you're not really free to do anything except shop online), but for now, I suggest that the act of creative expression is no act at all: it is the oxygen of existence. Creation is the means by which you will identify with, and in truth, prove the existence of, the love that you feel. It is the conducting medium of that love, between you and all the people in your life. At the moment the very best of what you have to offer may seem deeply hidden away. But it still exists -- though you can only discover how much you have by passing it on. When the time arrives, you will know where to look within yourself, and the way will be open. Then, don't be afraid -- just let yourself out, and let yourself free.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
You have a knack for walking away from danger unscathed, but now you need to do better. Clearly, you have not used up all your luck, and you always have the resources you need to make any change or try any experiment. If you can move one inch from the idea that danger is an inherent part of life, you will see how much more there is at the moment. I recognize that certain past events have given you ample reason not to trust. Those events were not causes in and of themselves; they were effects of beliefs that you have done much to let go of. They were the results of different choices and a different time in your life. You can, with no effort at all, discover that you are in a life where all that exists is safety -- a revelation that will arrive the moment you realize you are not alone.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
All children are rebellious. Or rather, they seem to be so because their most natural conduct almost always violates the artificial and restricted rules that adults set up for human acceptability. Adults, however, tend to be in enormous conflict about how to 'behave' in the world, because we all know that there has been an attempt made to kill part of our soul in order to render us worthy of membership in society. I suggest you take a stand against this ritual killing, and instead, practice the ritual giving of life. Springtime is coming. This is your season. The immortal aspect of your soul is once again rising above the ground for you to see and feel, and is returning like a missing lover. Your curiosity is set to expand and push you to explore aspects of life you had never even considered. Hold that energy in your heart, and the greater life will be yours.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You're not as lost as you might feel, but I assure you that you're responding to the emotions of someone who desperately fears they are. In order to get clear, you're going to need to hand back to someone exactly what is theirs, and keep for yourself exactly what is yours. Your mantra for the month could well be, 'People have their problems, and I have mine. Mine, I can work to solve. Of others, I can only be supportive'. This is a critical boundary issue, and your life these past two years of Saturn taking up residence in your sign has been about nothing if not learning, establishing and maintaining boundaries. The most important boundaries are often psychological, but in your situation this month, physical boundaries come into play in a big way. Lock your door, and think carefully before you give anyone the key.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
Ah, yes, for the love of God. This is the love that cannot be taught in words, but it can be learned, and it can be expressed in actions and in the way you treat yourself. Many people are taught that cosmic love or connecting with the 'higher self' involve giving something up, and all the focus is placed on that one act of renunciation. At this point in your life, I don't think that such a negative emphasis is necessary, when you have every occasion to focus entirely on giving and receiving freely. It may still be that you're driven by a sense of isolation, but if you look, you'll see this is entirely an illusion of your own mind. You are not alone; you are surrounded not only by friends, but by people who can and do have a profound impact on your life and your growth. And what you give them is equally beautiful.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
You've waited a long time for love you can surrender to, and if you have to wait a little while longer, you can surely do that. In the meantime, you would do well to question just what it is you're reluctant or hesitant about. If I may propose -- when you experience deep emotion, your normal psychological makeup seems to melt like a watercolor in the rain. This can have a way of threatening your entire sense of identity, which would be a real loss, except for the fact that your 'sense of identity' is merely that -- it's not actually who you are. Yet you don't need a psychological framework or self-concept to experience passion or care about someone deeply. You merely need to let go, be yourself, and make the one discovery you know awaits you, even if you cannot say what it is today.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
The life force does not always express itself in orderly or organized ways. I know there are times when you would strongly prefer that it would. But with actual creativity comes a measure of anarchy; new ideas rarely fit old patterns of living. A lot of chaos can be raised when we expect that they will, and a lot of potent life force energy can be released when we give what is being born into the world the space and the freedom to be itself. I suggest you treat anything new in your life with this kind of respect; that you honor the chances you are willing to take with a kind of reverence for the newborn; and most of all, that you see yourself in your creations. True artists don't grow old because they are recreated every time they invoke the living spirit of expression. Accept the touch of madness that comes with the process.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Distinguishing ourselves from our parents can take a lot of work, but at the end of the day, this is the only thing that can rightly be called human progress. Or perhaps it's better to say that those people who actually make progress, who succeed in growing, and who adapt to the world in healthy ways, are the ones who have successfully dealt with the many unresolved and leftover issues that their parents passed along to them. When faced honestly, these issues may seem overwhelming. There may at times feel like there's no escape from what is so firmly entrenched in years of struggle. But you now have the strength, the integrity and more than anything, the motivation to make sure that you are the last generation where certain qualities of your family have come home to roost. Then, as your reward, you get to do something far better.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22)
The world may seem full of possibilities that aren't really possible. It is true -- most of what can happen in life doesn't happen. However, you are now in a position to take the level of planning and speculation up to the level of architecture. Of all the houses people want to live in, the ones that have drawings to go with the dreams are much more likely to happen. If you can take the things you want the most and transform them from the etheric level to the material level, even if just an idea, you will bring them that much closer to manifestation. In truth, what I'm suggesting is often the most difficult and always the most important step. Yet if sketching an idea on a napkin or in a notebook is difficult, it's most likely because of a mental block. If that is the case, please get over it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Can it be that your long struggle is over? For a while it is. And when it returns, you will see it in a new context, as something smaller than yourself, not something larger. This is the essential difference in what you could call perspective, and this has a great influence on mental health and spiritual wellbeing. Some people have problems. Other people think their problems have them. I suggest you contemplate this one carefully, because in truth, neither need be true, but the first step is seeing yourself as greater than any situation you face. Part of your strength and value in the world comes from the people with which you surround yourself. In truth, your ability to stand hand in hand with your family, your tribe or your community is your greatest asset. I suggest you bank on it heavily as the next few months progress.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
Quite a bit has blown into and out of your life the past couple of months. You might ask yourself what has remained constant or present. That's what's the most likely to be dependable in the long run. Certainly, some people and events have fed your opinion of yourself; others have detracted. However, I suggest you consider the extent to which everything has taught you something and in this way added to your spiritual bank account. One thing to keep firmly in mind is that ultimately, all love grows from a mixture of compassion and trust. Gradually, you have invested yourself in these feelings, and I think the result is that you now stand at the beginning of one of the most self-aware phases of your life. One thing you would benefit from being aware of is how much people depend on you, and how well placed their faith truly is.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Beneath the ups and downs of life, indeed, beneath the whole world of feelings, issues, changes, losses and gains, your respect for yourself is developing and deepening. I can assure you of this, despite what you may feel some days or under certain circumstances, and I'm fairly confident you know what I'm talking about. Because Pisces comes at the end of the astrological year, you're less often blessed with the raw optimism or sense of opportunity of some of the other signs, which passes for self-confidence. But what you have going for you is experience, your significant and highly evolved power of adaptation, and a long repertoire of skills and many possibilities for how to apply them. All that stands between you and what you want is believing what is possible. Whatever you may believe about that statement, I suggest you experiment with it.

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